Energie-initiatieven door de ogen van Groningers
Germes, Lynette
Relatiebijeenkomst Partoer
Ubels, Hiska
Experiencing the future: Evaluating a new framework for the participatory co-design of healthy public spaces using immersive virtual reality
Pauline van den Berg (Onderzoeker); Gamze Dane (Onderzoeker); Suzan Evers (Onderzoeker); Alexander Klippel (Onderzoeker); Timon Verduijn (Onderzoeker); Theo Arentze (Onderzoeker); Jan Oliver Wallgrün (Onderzoeker)
Opening beweegroutes Vinkhuizen
van Holland, Berry
Resident participation and the exercise-friendly neighborhood - a practical example
van Holland, Berry
De 'social fingerprint'- aanpak als basis voor bewonersparticipatie
Elbert, Sarah (Communication, Behaviour & Sustainable Society); Wiekens, Carina (Communication, Behaviour & Sustainable Society)
Residents engagement in neighbourhood renewal
Ubels, Hiska
Enhancing the Inclusivity and Effectiveness of European Climate Action through Lessons from Participatory Action Research with Activist Groups
Jonas Carinhas (Onderzoeker)
PL Academy Leergang Onderzoeksprojecten leiden
Schuling, Rhoda
Showcase citizen science with children
Jepkema, Nikki