Pixel perfect performance
Mischa Gideonse (Student); Michiel Veen (Docent); Steven Hermans (Begeleider)
Probability of Erosion Utilizing Google Earth Engine and the RUSLE Method in the Tuntang Watershed
Sentani, A; Niam, M F; Boogaard, F.C. (Climate Adaptation)
Optimalisatie van het AVD update proces
Mansourah, N (Nour) (Student)
The perceptions of digitalization and cyber security
Burcu Kör (Onderzoeker); Bilgin Metin (Onderzoeker)
Monitoring and Evaluating Workforce Digital Transformation Skills Mastery : The Development and Validation of a Comprehensive Skills Assessment Instrument
Machiel Bouwmans (Onderzoeker); Marissa Orlowski (Onderzoeker); Ran Zhang (Onderzoeker); Xander Lub (Lector)
SERA: A study into the different elements of data collection in cars
Ben Pyman (Onderzoeker); Rakshith Kusumakar (Onderzoeker); Moksheeth Padarthy (Onderzoeker); Wouter van Haaften (Onderzoeker)
Point Cloud Analysis of Railway Infrastructure: A Systematic Literature Review
Dekker, (Bram) (Extern); Ton, (Bram) (Onderzoeker); Meijer, (Joanneke ) (Onderzoeker); Bouali, (Nacir) (Extern); Linssen, (Jeroen) (Onderzoeker); Ahmed, (Faizan) (Onderzoeker)
Unsettling the Cloud: On Data Centers and Counter-Narratives
Stoffelen, Ruben
Wat beïnvloedt de gebruikersacceptatie van de door de onderwijsinstelling gekozen SaaS oplossing?
Martijn Bellaard (Student)
Creating an Optimised Design System for an Enhanced Collaboration and Workflow Efficiently at Studyportals
Maghsoodi, K (Kimiya) (Student)