Discussing methodological gaps in psychosocial intervention research for dementia : an opinion article from the INTERDEM Methodology Taskforce guided by the MRC framework
Sarah Laureen Bartels; Simone R. de Bruin (Lector)
Tools or toys for healthcare
Zuidhof, (Niek) (Onderzoeker)
Why so many change efforts fail
Lydia Schaap (Onderzoeker); Kristin Vanlommel (Lector)
Citizen Science for Health: An International Survey on Its Characteristics and Enabling Factors
Remmers, Gaston; Tzovaras, Bastian Greshake; Albert, Alexandra; Van Laer, Jef; Wildevuur, Sabine; De Groot, Martijn; Broeder, Lea den (Lectoraat Gezondheid En Omgeving); Bonhoure, Isabelle; Magalhães, Joana; Assens, Sara Mas; Torrents, Enric García; Imre, Baris; Covernton, Eugenia
Exploring the relation between teacher autonomy support and children’s musical creativity
Hendriks, Linda (Arts Education); Steenbeek, Henderien (Diversity In Learning And Behavior); Bisschop Boele, Evert (Arts Education); van Geert, Paul L.C.
Learning about racism: A week-by-week qualitative exploration of two white Dutch primary student teachers’ emotional responses during a Critical Race Theory based course
Soeterik, Inti M.; Hanna, Fadie (Kenniscentrum Onderwijs En Opvoeding); Öztemir, Tugba (Faculteit Maatschappij En Recht (Fmr))
Crafting intrapreneurial stewardship
Johannes, Koos; Voordijk, Johannes Theodorus (Hans); Wakkee, Ingrid; Aranda-Mena, Guillermo
Complexity in Military Intelligence
Bram Spoor; Peter de Werd
Understanding the complexity of professional development in schools through Causal Loop Diagrams
Snoek, Marco (Lectoraat Leren En Innoveren); Koffeman, Andre (Faculteit Onderwijs En Opvoeding (Foo)); Cijvat, Ina
Failurists – When Things go Awry
Lammes, Sybille; Jungnickel, Kat; Hjorth, Larissa; Rae, Jen