Zocht je misschien: connection, connecting?
Relatiedag Academische Werkplaats EMB
Waninge, Aly; Overwijk, Annelies
Post-Lockdown shift: SMEs adopting hybrid approaches to international B2B relationships
M. Cornelisse
Exploring pre-service English teachers’ beliefs about plurilingualism: using visual and spoken methodologies with learners in a CLIL setting
Dale, E.M.; van Batenburg, E.S.L.
Mutual enhancement or one-way street
Daas, Sanne R. (Lectoraat Higher Education Research And Innovation (Heri)); Day, Indira N. Z.; Griffioen, D. M. E. (Lectoraat Higher Education Research And Innovation (Heri))
Adformatie – De Marketeer Van De Toekomst
Verdoold, Wilco (Lectoraat Digital Commerce)
Understanding Why Academics and Lower-Level Managers Connect Research and Education
Daas, Sanne R. (Lectoraat Higher Education Research And Innovation (Heri)); Griffioen, D.M.E. (Lectoraat Higher Education Research And Innovation (Heri))
Challenges to Students' Learning and Wellbeing During Placement Abroad: A Qualitative Study Using Rich Pictures
Wijbenga, Miriam H. (Lectoraat Professioneel Redeneren En Gedeelde Besluitvorming); van der Goot, Wieke E.; Ramaekers, Stephan P. J. (Lectoraat Professioneel Redeneren En Gedeelde Besluitvorming); Teunissen, Pim W.; Duvivier, Robbert J.; Driessen, Erik W.
River imaginaries and climate change adaptation in fishermen, farmers' communities and modellers
de Jong, Lotte
Towards DAOs of difference
Gloerich, Inte (Faculteit Digitale Media En Creatieve Industrie (Fdmci))
Impact of Load Simultaneity and Battery Layout on Sizing of Batteries for Preventing Grid Overloading
van Someren, Christian (Energy Transition And Networks); Visser, Martien (Energy Transition And Networks); Slootweg, Han