The Timed Swallowing Proficiency for Eating and Drinking (SPEAD) Test: Development and Initial Validation of an Instrument to Objectify (Impaired) Swallowing Capacity in Head and Neck Cancer Patients
Karsten, R. T.; Hilgers, F. J. M.; van der Molen, L.; van Sluis, K.; Smeele, L. E.; Stuiver, M. M. (Lectoraat Functioneel Herstel Bij Kanker)
Emmylou Beekman (Lector); Sandra Lüttmann
On the Two-sided Assessment of the Working Alliance
Annelies Sturm (Onderzoeker); Andrea Donker (Lector); Vivienne de Vogel (Lector); Anneke Menger
The role of the Sunfrail tool in the screening of frailty and in integrated community‑hospital care pathways
Yari Longobucco; Fulvio Lauretani; Luciano Gionti; Sara Tagliaferri; Robbert Gobbens (Lector); Tomasz Kostka; Ernesto Palummeri; Mirca Barbolini; Marcello Maggio
Construct validity of the octopus stratification algorithm for allocating patients with knee osteoarthritis into clinically relevant subgroups
Knoop, J.; Ostelo, R.; Van der Esch, M. (Lectoraat Interdisciplinaire Zorg Voor Chronische Gewrichtsaandoeningen); De Zwart, A.; Bennell, K.; Van der Leeden, M.; Dekker, J.
Assessing Frailty with the Tilburg Frailty Indicator (TFI)
Robbert Gobbens (Lector); Izabella Uchmanowicz
A Validation Study of the Rainbow Model of Integrated Care-Measurement Tool for Patients in China
Wang, Xin; Birch, Stephen; Chen, Lijin; Huang, Yixiang; Valentijn, Pim (Value-Based Healthcare (Vbhc))
Validity and reliability of the Dutch STarT MSK tool in patients with musculoskeletal pain in primary care physiotherapy
Anke van den Broek; Corelien Kloek (Lid Lectoraat); Martijn Pisters; Cindy Veenhof (Lector)
Validity of the Self-Expression and Emotion Regulation in Art Therapy Scale (SERATS)
Suzanne Haeyen (Lid Lectoraat); Eric Noorthoorn
Agreement Between the KTK3+ Test and the Athletic Skills Track for Classifying the Fundamental Movement Skills Proficiency of 6- to 12-Year-Old Children
Mark de Niet (Onderzoeker); Sebastiaan Platvoet (Onderzoeker); J.J.A.A.M. Hoeboer (Lid Lectoraat); A.M.H de Witte (Lid Lectoraat); S.I. de Vries (Lector); J. Pion (Onderzoeker)