Point of Care Diagnostics in the ICU
Paans, Wolter
Modern Times in Advance Care Planning
Paans, Wolter
The authors reply
Boukje Dijkstra; Lisette Schoonhoven; Johannes G. van der Hoeven; Lilian Vloet (Lector)
Point of Care Diagnostics in the ICU
Paans, Wolter
Effect of a Standardized Family Participation Program in the ICU: A Multicenter Stepped-Wedge Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial*
Boukje Dijkstra; Paul Rood; Steven Teerenstra; Anne M.F. Rutten; Christa Leerentveld; Dominique C. Burgers-Bonthuis; Barbara Festen-Spanjer; Toine Klarenbeek; Mark van den Boogaard; E. Ewalds; Lisette Schoonhoven; Johannes G. van der Hoeven; Lilian Vloet (Lector)
Epidemiology, Ventilation Management and Outcomes of COPD Patients Receiving Invasive Ventilation for COVID-19—Insights from PRoVENT-COVID
Tripipitsiriwat, Athiwat; Suppapueng, Orawan; van Meenen, David M. P.; Paulus, Frederique (Lectoraat Critical Care); Hollmann, Markus W.; Sivakorn, Chaisith; Schultz, Marcus J.
Oxygen Consumption with High-Flow Nasal Oxygen versus Mechanical Ventilation—An International Multicenter Observational Study in COVID–19 Patients (PROXY–COVID)
Botta, Michela; Caritg, Oriol; van Meenen, David M.P.; Pacheco, Andrés; Tsonas, Anissa M.; Mooij, Willemijn E.; Burgener, Alessia; Hehl, Tosca Manrique; Shrestha, Gentle S.; Horn, Janneke; Tuinman, Pieter R.; Paulus, Frederique (Lectoraat Critical Care); Roca, Oriol; Schultz, Marcus J.
Point of Care Technology
Dijkhuis, Talko
A closed-loop ventilation mode that targets the lowest work and force of breathing reduces the transpulmonary driving pressure in patients with moderate-to-severe ARDS
Buiteman-Kruizinga, Laura A.; van Meenen, David M. P.; Bos, Lieuwe D. J.; van der Heiden, Pim L. J.; Paulus, Frederique (Lectoraat Critical Care); Schultz, Marcus J.