Interplay Between Digital-Only Strategy and Financial Performance
Grabovets, Kateryna; Temelkov, Zoran; Yazıcı, Ayşe Meriç; Albattat, Ahmad; Valeri, Marco; Hassan, Viana
A strategic approach for Medisol's success in Greece and Czech Republic
Alexander Maljers (Student); Rob Jeffery (Docent); Jeroen Meijering (Docent); Marjolein Luijk (Begeleider)
What sustainable fashion retailers presume about consumer motivations and how they try to persuade consumers to purchase their product
Annuska Toebast (Onderzoeker); K.L. van den Broek (Onderzoeker); Tijs Timmerman (Lector)
Reaching a stable customer base
Bogdan Hobjila (Student); Johan Weggemans (Docent); Arthur Bol (Begeleider)
The potential of preserved foods on the ethnic market
J. Hagen (Student); K.L. Ehrie (Docent); L. Koole (Begeleider)
The road to customer loyalty at thegreenlabels
Klára Nentvichová (Student)
Positioning Strategies for Animal-Friendly Products: A Social Dilemma Approach
Lenka van Riemsdijk (Onderzoeker); Paul T. M. Ingenbleek (Onderzoeker); Gerrita van der Veen (Lector); Hans C. M. van Trijp (Onderzoeker)
Expanding the customer base of sensurity through digital strategy
Dominic Janse (Student); J.T.C. Jessen (Begeleider); Geoff Clarke (Begeleider)
Customer Based Brand Equity in the Travel Industry
Mary-Louise Christodoulatos (Student); Jonneke F.M. de Koning