Industry 4.0 @ TECHHUB Assen
Wörtche, Heinrich
Cyber-Physical Systems of Systems and Complexity Science: The Whole is More than the Sum of Individual and Autonomous Cyber-Physical Systems
A.F. van Lier (Lector)
Blockchain technology: the autonomy and self-organisation of cyber-physical systems
Ben van Lier (Lector)
Autonomous and collaborating cyber-physical systems
A.F. van Lier (Lector)
The industrial internet of things and cyber security: an ecological and systemic perspective on security in digital industrial ecosystems
A.F. van Lier (Lector)
Can cyber‐physical systems reliably collaborate within a blockchain?
A.F. van Lier (Lector)
Grid manufacturing
Daniël Telgen (Lid Lectoraat); John-Jules Meyer (Begeleider)
Cyber physical systems
Sparsh S. Bhonwal (Student); Mark Stappers (Begeleider); Jeedella J.S.Y. Jeedella (Begeleider)
Advanced manufacturing and complexity science
A.F. van Lier (Lector)