Zocht je misschien: analysis?
The AI revolution in healthcare
T. Hulsen; F. Manni; K. Markiewicz
How Smart Airport is Paving the way for a Smart Access Concept: Technology’s Role in the Digital Ecosystem of the Access Control Process
Gardt, Sersinho (Kenniscentrum Techniek); Zuniga Alcaraz, Catya (Kenniscentrum Techniek); Satink, Rob
Measuring the intangible. How to evaluate the Spatial Sound Platform from an audience perspective.
Alice Dimastrogiovanni (Student)
Emerging Industrial Internet of Things Open-Source Platforms and Applications in Diverse Sectors
Gavriel, (Stylianos) (Extern); Teeuw, (Wouter) (Lector); Gillani, (Ghayoor) (Extern); Ayele, (Eyuel) (Onderzoeker); Philimis, (Panayiotis ) (Extern); Ferreira Gonzalez, (Javier) (Associate Lector)
Building a data-driven infrastructure
R.F. van der Willigen; Quan Zhu
A novel loss function for neural network models exploring stock realized volatility using Wasserstein Distance
Hugo Gobato Souto; Amir Moradi
Guest editorial for the special issue on artificial intelligence, sensing and big data analytics in earthquake engineering
Smyrou, Eleni (Earthquake Resistant Structures); Bal, Ihsan Engin (Earthquake Resistant Structures); Sarhosis, Vasilis
Physical performance in daily life and sports
Dijkhuis, Talko (New Business & Ict); Lemmink, Koen; Aiello, Marco; Velthuijsen, Hugo
Securing tomorrow
Basters, BRJ (Berit) (Student)
Sensor-based agitation prediction in institutionalized people with dementia A systematic review
Kleine Deters, Jan (Sensors And Smart Systems); Janus, Sarah; Lima Silva, J.A.; Wörtche, Heinrich J. (Sensors And Smart Systems); Zuidema, Sytse U.