Afscheidsrede lector prof. dr. Eveline Wouters
Eveline Wouters (Lector)
Aletta Dive
van Oostrom, Madelon; Metting, Esther
De wonderlijke verslaglegging
Steffie Coolen (Student); Stéphanie de Jong (Begeleider)
Opinions and priorities for an e-health platform: A member consultation from an intensive care patient organisation
Anna Zacharelou; Mel Major; Puck van der Meer; Marike van der Schaaf; Lilian Vloet; Margo M.C. van Mol
Explore the Horizon: eHealth Connect Conference 2024
Groenboom, Rix
Hackathon: The public use of health apps and wearables: the legal & ethical issues associated with e-health
Mulder, Trix
Queer liv(ing)
Eline Naber (Student)
Inzicht krijgen over wie je bent
Cheyenne Ubels (Student); Linda Sterken (Student)
Developing design ability for innovation in healthcare practices
Berit Godfroij (Onderzoeker); Lenny van Onselen (Onderzoeker); Anita Cremers (Lector)