The business case for autonomous transport in the port of Vlissingen
Ahmad Mir Mohammadi Kooshknow (Onderzoeker); Evelot Westerink-Duijzer (Onderzoeker)
Sustainable soft soil stabilization
Sannah Paulides (Student); Christophe Egyed (Docent); Marco Gatto (Docent); Marianna Ansiliero de Oliveira Coelho (Docent); Harm Loonstra (Begeleider)
Supported Education and Supported Employment for Individuals at Clinical-High Risk of Psychosis: A Pilot Study
Malda, Aaltsje; Kuis, Daan Jan; Nieboer, Roeline; van der Pol, Boudien; Aleman, André; Korevaar, E.L.; Sportel, Esther; Hofstra, Jacomijn (Rehabilitation); Pijnenborg, Gerdina H.M.; Boonstra, Nynke
Analysing & optimising sand nourishments at Walcheren
Michael Boyall (Student); Marco Gatto (Docent); Joost Stronkhorst (Begeleider)
HZ Stern 2021The potential of mechanical textile recycling for post-consumer textiles.
Chevalier, M (Margot) (Student)
Relevance of modern technology in protected cultivation of vegetables in India
Durot, C. (Student); Meggelen, I. van
Feasibility Assessment of a Bioethanol Plant in the Northern Netherlands
Achinas, Spyridon; Leenders, Nienke; Krooneman, Janneke; Euverink, Gerrit Jan Willem
Production efficiency of offseason chili value chain in Punakha District
Dorji, T. (Student); Meinderts, J.
Cost-effectiveness of a lifestyle intervention for people with a serious mental illness (SMILE)
Florine Walburg (Lid Lectoraat); Berno van Meijel (Lector); M.W. van Tulder; M.C. Adriaanse
Psychosomatic therapy for patients frequently attending primary care with medically unexplained symptoms, the CORPUS trial: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial
Wortman, Margreet S.H. (Lectoraat Oefentherapie); van der Wouden, Johannes C.; Grutters, Janneke P.C.; Visser, Bart (Lectoraat Oefentherapie); Assendelft, Willem J.J.; van der Horst, Henriëtte E.; olde Hartman, Tim C.