Designing Game-Based Learning for Training Metacognition
Braad, Eelco; IJsselsteijn, Wijnand; Barendregt, Wolmet
Examining in-class activities to facilitate academic achievement in higher education
Brink, Henk Willem; Loomans, Marcel G.L.C.; Mobach, Mark P.; Kort, Helianthe S.M.
Designing a smartphone exergame for children with cerebral palsy in the home environment
Alberts, Max; Ridder, Ellen A.M.; Lodewijks, Joris A.J.; Pinos Cisneros, Tamara V. (Faculteit Digitale Media En Creatieve Industrie (Fdmci)); Schoorl, Kayleigh; Ali Salah, Albert; Schouten, Ben A.M. (Faculteit Digitale Media En Creatieve Industrie (Fdmci)); Gerling, Kathrin; Iacovides, Jo; Malaka, Reiner
Coöperatief in Balans: Netwerkbijeenkomst 7
van der Schoor, Tineke; Slager-Nieuwsma, Hester; Kok, Koen; Woods, Ruth
Biobased construction of bridges
Danial Herzhauser (Student); Marianna Ansiliero de Oliveira Coelho (Docent); Giuliana Scuderi (Begeleider)
Designing for active office work
Ida Damen
A new approach to automated energy performance and fault detection and diagnosis of HVAC systems. Development of the 4S3F method
A.C. Taal (Lid Lectoraat)
Psychological ownership affordances as routes to influence product lifetime
Dirk Ploos van Amstel (Lid Lectoraat); Lenneke Kuijer (Onderzoeker); Remko van der Lugt (Lector)
Exploring the relationship between light and subjective alertness using personal lighting conditions
Juliëtte van Duijnhoven (Onderzoeker); Mariëlle Aarts (Onderzoeker); Edwin van den Heuvel (Onderzoeker); Helianthe Kort (Lector)
Co-design in times of COVID-19
Berit Godfroij (Lid Lectoraat)