Incorporating high-resolution climate, remote sensing and topographic data to map annual forest growth in central and eastern Europe
Jevšenak, J.; Klisz, M.; Mašek, J.; Čada, V.; Janda, P.; Svoboda, M.; Vostarek, O.; Treml, V.; Maaten, E. van der; Popa, A.; Popa, I.; Maaten-Theunissen, M. van der; Zlatanov, T. ; Scharnweber, T.; Ahlgrimm, S.; Stolz, J.; Sochová, I.; Roibu, C.; Pretzsch, H.; Sass-Klaassen, U.G.W.; Schmied, G.; Uhl, E.; Kaczka, R.
Restoration ecology meets design-engineering : mimicking emergent traits to restore feedback-driven ecosystems
Ralph Temmink; Christine Angelini; Martijn Verkuijl (Lid Lectoraat); Tjisse van der Heide
Positive effects of indoor environmental conditions on students and their performance in higher education classrooms
Brink, Henk Willem; Krijnen, Wim (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Loomans, Marcel G.L.C.; Mobach, Mark P. (Facility Management); Kort, Helianthe S.M.
Positive effects of indoor environmental conditions on students and their performance in higher education classrooms: A between-groups experiment
Henk W. Brink (Onderzoeker); W.P. Krijnen (Onderzoeker); Marcel Loomans (Onderzoeker); Mark Mobach (Onderzoeker); Helianthe Kort (Lector)
Technical solutions and benefits of introducing rain gardens
Kasprzyk, Magda; Szpakowski, Wojciech; Poznanska, Eliza; Boogaard, Floris; Bobkowska, Katarzyna; Gajewska, Magdalena
The impact of carbon to nitrogen ratios and pH on the microbial prevalence and polyhydroxybutyrate production levels using a mixed microbial starter culture
Zhou, Wen; Colpa, Dana; Geurkink, Bert; Euverink, Gerrit Jan Willem; Krooneman, Janneke
DNA metabarcoding using nrITS2 provides highly qualitative and quantitative results for airborne pollen monitoring
Marcel Polling (Onderzoeker); Melati Sin (Onderzoeker); Letty de Weger (Onderzoeker); Arjen Speksnijder (Lector); Mieke Koenders (Onderzoeker); Hugo de Boer (Onderzoeker); Barbara Gravendeel (Onderzoeker)
Targeted metagenomics reveals inferior resilience of farm soil resistome compared to soil microbiome after manure application
Macedo, G.; Veelen, H.P.J. van; Hernandez-Leal, L.; Maas, P.M.F. van der (Lector); Heederik, D.; Mevius, D.; Bossers, A.; Schmitt, H.
The biomethanation of cow manure in a continuous anaerobic digester can be boosted via a bioaugmentation culture containing Bathyarchaeota
Li, Yu; Zhao, Jing; Achinas, Spyridon; Zhang, Zhenhua; Krooneman, Janneke; Euverink, Gerrit Jan Willem
The impact of manure and soil texture on antimicrobial resistance gene levels in farmlands and adjacent ditches
Macedo, G.; Hernandez-Leal, L.; Maas, P.M.F. van der (Lector); Heederik, D.; Mevius, D.; Schmitt, H.