In Circles: Performance. Philosophy. Animals. Equality
Laura Cull O Maoilearca (Lector)
An Oath for the Dutch Data Professional
Maël van Dijk (Student)
Publicatie artikel DRS conferentie
Nagenborg, (Michael H. ) (Extern); Smits, (Merlijn) (Associate Lector); van de Poel, ( Ibo ) (Extern); Ozkaramanli, (Deger) (Extern); Harbers, (Maaike) (Extern); Ferri, (Gabriele) (Extern)
Presentatie DRS conferentie
Smits, (Merlijn) (Associate Lector); Harbers, (Maaike ) (Extern); Ferri, (Gabriele ) (Extern); Ozkaramanl, (Deger) (Extern); Nagenborg, (Michael H.) (Extern); Poel, (Ibo) van de (Extern)
Navigating ethics-informed methods at the intersection of design and philosophy of technology
D. Ozkaramanli; M. Smits; M. Harbers; G. Ferri; M. Nagenborg; I. van de Poel
Developing public values based AI systems using value sensitive design
Erik Slingerland (Onderzoeker); Guido Ongena (Lector); Marlies van Steenbergen (Lector)
In constant search of the good: a qualitative study into insiders’ perspectives on living well with dementia
Yaron, G (Lid Lectoraat); Franka, F (Associate Lector); de Bruin, S (Lector)
When 'doing ethics' meets public procurement of smart city technology – an Amsterdam case study
De Kreek, Mike (Lectoraat Civic Interaction Design); Alfrink, Kars; de Waal, Martijn (Lectoraat Civic Interaction Design); Kortuem, Gerd; Turel, Thijs; Visser, Bart; Samson, Laurens; de Sainz Molestina, Daniela; Galluzzo, Laura; Rizzo, Francesca; Spallazzo, Davide
Ethics of mortgage advisers in the Netherlands: professional attitudes and moral dilemmas
J.J. van Baardewijk
Robots in education
Matthijs Smakman (Onderzoeker)