Explaining teachers’ behavioural intentions towards differentiated instruction for inclusion
Kupers, E.; Boer, A. de; Jong, F.P.C.M. de (Lector); Minnaert, A.
D. Fluijt (Lid Lectoraat); C. Bakker (Lector); E. Struyf (Onderzoeker)
The Development of Teacher educators' role as Researcher in New Universities
dr. Gerda Geerdink (Lector); dr. Fer Boei; dr.ir. Quinta Kools (Lector); dr. Martijn Willemse; drs. Haske van Vlokhoven
Teaching academic skills as an answer to behavioural problems of students with emotional or behavioural disorders: a review
van der Worp-van der Kamp, Lidy; Pijl, S.J.; Bijstra, Jan; van den Bosch, Els
From Vision to Reality: managing tensions in the development and implementation of an international collaborative partnership programme for institutional change and sustainable development in inclusive education
David Rose; dr Jan Siska; dr Jacqueline van Swet (Lid Lectoraat); dr Sulochini Pather