Research in Occupational Therapy and Occupational Science Foundation (ROTOS)
Laver-Fawcett, Alison; van Hartingsveldt, Margo (Lectoraat Ergotherapie - Participatie En Omgeving); Kos, Daphne; Dimbwadyo Terrer, Iris; Santamaría Peláez, Mirian; Hankinson, Naomi; Sánchez Viramalay, Sandra
Implementation of the health promoting school approach in Europe
Nina Bartelink; Patricia van Assema; Gerjanne Vennegoor; Kathelijne Bessems
PIONEER big data platform for prostate cancer: lessons for advancing future real-world evidence research
A. Lawlor; K. Beyer; B. Russell; T. Hulsen; et al.
Living Lab Toolkit: Insights from the Sport and Social Cohesion Lab (SSCL) Project
Louis Moustakas (Onderzoeker); Fenna van Marle (Onderzoeker); F.J.A. (Frank) van Eekeren (Onderzoeker); Koen Breedveld (Lector); Marieke Breed (Onderzoeker); Nynke Burgers (Onderzoeker)
(Re)connecting Homeless People. How Social Workers in the Netherlands Use Social Networking Technology to Enhance and Involve the Informal Network of Their Homeless Clients
Lucas, Pamela (Lectoraat Stedelijk Sociaal Werk); van Pinxteren, Maisha; van der Ent, Barbara; de Lange, Meta (Lectoraat Stedelijk Sociaal Werk); Smith, Paula
Unravelling the Web: Exploring Russian Interference targeting the EU during the 2019 European Parliament Elections
Santino Lo Bianco
Structure, positions and mechanisms
van Nassau, Casper S.; Diviák, Tomáš; de Poot, Christianne J. (Lectoraat Forensisch Onderzoek)
In conversation with ghosts
Patil, Mugdha (Lectoraat Digital Life); Cila, Nazli; Redström, Johan; Giaccardi, Elisa
Care networks of home-dwelling older adults in the Netherlands: proof of concept of a network typology
Wendy Kemper (Onderzoeker); Marian Adriaansen; Miranda Laurant (Lector); M. Wensing
Community-Engaged-Scholarship: Approaching the future by exploring pedagogical experiences
Blankvoort, Nadine (Centre Of Expertise Urban Vitality); Mondaca, Margarita; Georgiadou, Marina; Bogeas, Theo; Hart, Claire; Schiller, Sandra