Heeft u mijn talent gezien? Misschien?
Kamans, Elanor
Samen sterker in het (Talent) Onderwijs
Kamans, Elanor
Community and Competition: Battle or Boost?: a scoping review in the context of honors education: (Poster presentation)
Kragten, Leontien; Langeloo, Annegien
Being a first generation student in an honours programme
Kamans, Elanor; Langeloo, Annegien
Futures of Talent Education
Langeloo, Annegien; Kamans, Elanor; Servais, Yannick; Pronk, Lineke
Hackathon: The public use of health apps and wearables: the legal & ethical issues associated with e-health
Mulder, Trix
IBS Event - "Sharing Educational and Resarch Practices"
Kviatek, Beata