AI Shield
Moyakine, Evgeni; van Ede, Thijs; Mulder, Trix (Legal Aspects Of Entrepreneurship)
Interdisciplinary Research Project ‘AI Shield’
Moyakine, Evgeni; van Ede, Thijs; Mulder, Trix (Legal Aspects Of Entrepreneurship)
The ERC Sequence
Marie Marcheguay (Student); Bram Verkruysse (Docent); Didier Rémont (Begeleider)
Planning cost effective access routes for wind farms
Anthony Curran (Student); Piet Dekker (Docent); Julien Ferrand (Begeleider)
All for one and one for all [Abstract]
Koning, Joey (Climate Adaptation)
Leveraging data protection law for protecting workers’ fundamental right to health and safety in the workplace
Stefania Marassi (Onderzoeker); J.F.B. (John) Bolte (Lector)
The Consumer Perception on Cider in France and Canada
Manhave, A. (Student); Copsey, M.
Follow the Surveillance
Anand Sheombar (Onderzoeker); Sebastian Klovig Skelton (Onderzoeker)
17th European Conference on Games-Based Learning
Braad, Eelco
Five frequently used malnutrition screening tools were unable to identify 32-68% of the hospitalized malnourished older adults
van Dronkelaar, Carliene (Lectoraat Voeding En Beweging); Tieland, Michael (Lectoraat Voeding En Beweging); Cederholm, Tommy; Weijs, Peter (Lectoraat Voeding En Beweging); Reijnierse, Esmee (Lectoraat Voeding En Beweging); Kruizenga, Hinke