Multi-dimensional deconstruction and theme evolution of China’s energy policy
X. Zang (Onderzoeker); T. Lv (Onderzoeker); X. Hou (Onderzoeker); X. Deng (Onderzoeker); Xiao Peng (Onderzoeker); N. Li (Onderzoeker)
Emerging Industrial Internet of Things Open-Source Platforms and Applications in Diverse Sectors
Gavriel, (Stylianos) (Extern); Teeuw, (Wouter) (Lector); Gillani, (Ghayoor) (Extern); Ayele, (Eyuel) (Onderzoeker); Philimis, (Panayiotis ) (Extern); Ferreira Gonzalez, (Javier) (Associate Lector)
Dashboards for Long-Term Productivity in Future Work
J.M.G. (Jenny) Coenen (Onderzoeker); J.F.B. (John) Bolte (Onderzoeker)
What regenerative sourcing means for business: lessons from the denim and cotton sectors
Mossinkoff, Marco (Lectoraat Fashion Research & Technology); Kiefer, Sophia
Preface – Second Workshop on Responsible Applied Artificial InTelligence (RAAIT)
van Dierendonck, Roland; Fuckner, Marcio (Lectoraat Responsible It); Harbers, Maaike; Horsman, Sophie (Faculteit Digitale Media En Creatieve Industrie (Fdmci)); van der Horst, Tiwánee; Kok, Fabian; Leijnen, Stefan; Peeters, Marieke; Robben, Saskia (Lectoraat Digital Life); Wiggers, Pascal (Lectoraat Responsible It)
Intermediating circular startups in ecosystems: a case study of circular textiles and apparel
Divito, Lori (Lectoraat Collaborative Innovation And Entrepreneurship); van Wijk, Jakomijn (Lectoraat Collaborative Innovation And Entrepreneurship); van Hille, Iteke (Lectoraat Collaborative Innovation And Entrepreneurship); Ingen-Housz, Zita
Learnings Networks and Professional Development in Building Energy Management Systems Industry
Ali Soleymani (Onderzoeker); Paula van den Brom (Onderzoeker); Samir Ahmed (Onderzoeker); Maaike Konings (Lid Lectoraat); E. (Ellen) Sjoer (Lector); Laure Itard (Onderzoeker); Wim Zeiler (Onderzoeker); Maarten De Laat (Onderzoeker); Marcus Specht (Onderzoeker)
The impact of a professional social robot implementation on guest perception in a hotel front office environment
Paul Werner (Student); Ronny Villanueva (Stafmedewerker)
The road to circularity a framework for and experiences in collecting road data in a circular renovation process
Entrop, (Bram) (Associate Lector)
Explainable artificial intelligence for exhaust gas temperature of turbofan engines
Kefalas, Marios; de Santiago Rojo Jr., Juan; Apostolidis, A.; Van Den Herik, Dirk; van Stein, Bas; Back, Thomas