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Healthcare needs, expectations, utilization, and experienced treatment effects in patients with hereditary spastic paraplegia: a web-based survey in the Netherlands
Hans Kerstens; B.J.H. van Lith; M.J. Nijkrake; Bert de Swart; LAC van den Bemd; RJEM Smeets; F Klemens; BPC van de Warrenburg; P.J. van der Wees; A.C.H. Geurts
Validity and reliability of the mixing ability test as masticatory performance outcome in children with spastic cerebral palsy and children with typical development: A pilot study.
Lianne Remijn; J.A. Vermaire; M.W.G. Nijhui s-van de Sanden; B.E. Groen; C.M. Speksnijder
Assessment of mastication in healthy children and children with cerebral palsy: a validity and consistency study.
Lianne Remijn; R. Speyer; B.E. Groen; P.C. Holtus; J. van Limbeek; M.W.G. Nijhuis -van der Sanden