Plurilingualism in vocational education & training: exploring students’ plurilingual repertoires, behaviours and attitudes towards interactions in daily life, school and work
van Batenburg, Eline (Faculteit Onderwijs En Opvoeding (Foo)); Dale, Liz (Faculteit Onderwijs En Opvoeding (Foo))
Learning pathways in Dutch VET compared in terms of curriculum design aspects and students' acquired VET diplomas and transitions to higher VET levels
H. Biemans; E.B. Klatter; H. Mariën; A. van der Meijden; F.R. Kreutz
Examining student profiles for dealing with wickedness
M.E. Veltman (Lid Lectoraat); J. van Keulen; A.E.H. Smits (Lector); J.M. Voogt
Vocational education for a sustainable future: Unveiling the collaborative learning narratives to make space for learning,
Saskia Weijzen; Wietske Kuijer
Learning to question the status quo. Critical thinking, citizenschip education and Bildung in vocational education
Anouk Zuurmond (Onderzoeker); Laurence Guérin (Onderzoeker); Piet van der Ploeg (Onderzoeker); Daan van Riet (Onderzoeker)
Responsive curriculum development
Joyce Vreuls (Onderzoeker); Marcel van der Klink (Onderzoeker); Mieke Koeslag-Kreunen (Lector); Slavi Stoyanov (Onderzoeker); Henny Boshuizen (Onderzoeker); Loek Nieuwenhuis (Onderzoeker)
Teacher strategies that foster students’ boundary-crossing expertise when addressing problems with wicked tendencies
Marieke Veltman (Lid Lectoraat); J. (Hanno) van Keulen; Joke Voogt
Opening the door of opportunities: how higher vocational education contributes to capabilities and valuable employment of refugees
D.A. van Dijk; J. ten Have; M. Kotiso
Unravelling workplace educators’ judgment processes when assessing students’ performance at the workplace
Marlies de Vos (Onderzoeker); Liesbeth Baartman (Lector); Cees van der Vleuten (Onderzoeker); Elly de Bruijn (Lector)
Content and language integrated learning in technical vocational education
Elly Wildeman (Onderzoeker); Maaike Koopman (Lid Lectoraat); Douwe Beijaard (Onderzoeker)