Enzymatic degradation of granular potato starch by Microbacterium aurum strain B8.A
Sarian, Fean D; van der Kaaij, Rachel M; Kralj, Slavko; Wijbenga, Dirk-Jan; Binnema, Doede J.; van der Maarel, Marc J E C; Dijkhuizen, Lubbert
A novel thermoreversible gelling product made by enzymatic modification of starch
Van Der Maarel, Marc J E C; Capron, Isabelle; Euverink, Gerrit Jan W; Bos, Herman Th; Kaper, Thijs; Binnema, Doede J.; Steeneken, Peter A M
Production of native-starch-degrading enzymes by a Bacillus firmus/lentus strain
Wijbenga, Dirk-Jan; Beldman, Gerrit; Veen, Anko; Binnema, Doede