Access to microfinance as strategy for enhancing smallholder farmer household resilience during pandemic
Menyen, K.N. (Student); Heijmans, E.P.M.
The impact of micro finance service on women members livelihood
Beneberu, E.A. (Student); Bleeker, S.
Influence of microfinance institution on the economic empowerment among the youths in Tanzania
Madonda, A.E. (Student); Kingma, J.T.
The contribution of village savings and loans associations to household food and nutrition security
Akan, W.A. (Student); Heger, M.C.
Klaas Molenaar (Lector); Julie-Marthe Lehman (Lid Lectoraat)
Mythes bestaan zeker in microfinanciering, maar benoem ze wel correct
Klaas Molenaar (Lector)
Klaas Molenaar (Lector)
Je kunt een rivier niet twee keer oversteken ...
Klaas Molenaar (Lector)
Microfinanciering, als iedereen meedoet wordt het en(i)g
Klaas Molenaar (Lector)
Women development fund : a catalyst for reducing susceptibility to HIV infection among women : the case of Nsimbo village, Tanzania
Mnyipembe, D.D. (Student); Put, M.J.M.J.