Towards a reporting guideline for developmental and reproductive toxicology testing in C. elegans and other nematodes
Monique van der Voet (Onderzoeker); Marc Teunis (Associate Lector); Johanna Louter-Van de Haar (Onderzoeker); Nienke Stigter (Onderzoeker); Diksha Balla (Onderzoeker); Martijn Rooseboom (Onderzoeker); Kimberley Wever (Onderzoeker); Cyrille Krul (Lector); Raymond Pieters (Lector); Marjolein Wildwater (Onderzoeker); Vera van Noort (Onderzoeker)
Effect of Phytophthora rubi on yield and fruit quality of Portuguese Rubus idaeus ‘Sapphire’
Hameau, S. (Student); Gehner, B.L.
Fungal contaminations in entomopathogenic nematode formulations
Jungerling, L. (Student); Petstra, E.B.
DnaJ chaperones contribute to canalization.
Samantha Hughes; I. Vrinds; J. de Roo; Christof Francke; S.M. Shimeld; A. Woollard; A. Sato
Application of Caenorhabditis elegans (nematode) and Danio rerio embryo (zebrafish) as model systems to screen for developmental and reproductive toxicity of Piperazine compounds
Peter I. Racza (Onderzoeker); Marjolein Wildwater (Onderzoeker); Martijn Rooseboom (Onderzoeker); Engelien Kerkhof (Onderzoeker); Raymond Pieters (Lector); Elena Santidrian Yebra-Pimentela (Onderzoeker); Ron P. Dirks (Onderzoeker); Herman P. Spaink (Onderzoeker); Chantal Smulders (Onderzoeker); Graham F. Whale (Onderzoeker)
Decision support system for Potato cyst nematode management
van Haren, R.J.F.; Osmers, K.; Krussel, S.; Starmann, Irmgard; Milne, Iain; Bayer, Micha