Co-creating a person-centered creative engagement intervention for Parkinson's care
Bianca T.M. Spee; Thieme Stap; Marjoke Plijnaer; Gert Pasman; Sara Zeggio; Annelien A. Duits; Julia Crone; Suzanne Haeyen; Matthew Pelowski; Bastiaan R. Bloem; Jan-Jurjen Koksma
The creative arts therapists on the continuum of practice within Arts in Health in the Netherlands
Marc Willemsen; Annemarie Abbing; Suzanne Haeyen (Lector); Martina de Witte; Susan van Hooren (Lector)
Including families in the implementation of school‐wide positive behavioral interventions and support : Dutch administrators and SWPBIS‐leadership team experiences
T. Martijn Willemse (Associate Lector); Monique J. M. Nelen (Docent); Anita Blonk
Resident participation and the exercise-friendly neighborhood - a practical example
van Holland, Berry
Making meaning of one's own life story inwords and images: A narrative case report ofpersonal recovery from personality disorderthrough the interventions “An EmpoweringStory” and art therapy
Suzanne Haeyen (Lector); Hilda Heres; Silvia Pol
Sleep and daytime functioning in autistic teenagers: A psychological network approach
Ilona Schouwenaars; Maurice Magnée; C.A.M. van Bennekom; S. Pillen; L.J. Waldorp; T.F. Blanken; Jan Pieter Teunisse
Implementing organisational change in a digitalising facilities management organisation through stewardship interventions
Johannes, Koos; Voordijk, Hans; Wakkee, Ingrid (Kenniscentrum Fbe); Aranda-Mena, Guillermo
Making post-war urban neighbourhoods healthier
Sijmen A. Reijneveld; Marijke Koene; Stefan van der Spek; Manda Broekhuis; Cor Wagenaar; Jolanda Tuinstra (Lector)
Modifying risk factors, building strengths
Corine de Ruiter (Onderzoeker); Vivienne de Vogel (Lector)
An Intervention Framework for a Business Context: A systemic design case of sustainable parenthood
Tschavgova, Elisabeth; Talgorn, Elise (Faculteit Digitale Media En Creatieve Industrie (Fdmci)); Kobus, Charlotte; van Engelen, Jo; Bakker, Conny; van Dam, Sonja