Design principles for interventions aimed...
Jaarsma, ADC (Debbie) (Extern); Mannetje, JEMM (Jolise) 't (Onderzoeker); Heijne-Penninga, M. (Marjolein) (Extern); Visscher - Voerman, (Irene) (Lector)
Prosocial preferences can escalate intergroup conflicts by countering selfish motivations to leave
Snijder, Luuk L; Gross, Jörg; Stallen, Mirre (Lectoraat Armoede Interventies); De Dreu, Carsten K W
Built Environment Influences on Emotional State Loneliness among Young Adults during Daily Activities: An Experience Sampling Approach
Pauline van den Berg (Onderzoeker); Dominique Gijsbers (Onderzoeker); Astrid Kemperman
Meaningful contributions of rehabilitation for people with persistent pain; a reflexive thematic analysis
Beetsma, Anneke J (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Paap, Davy; Pool, Grieteke; Reezigt, Roland R; de Ruiter, Eugenie; Hobbelen, Hans S M (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Reneman, Michiel F
Directions for enhancing the use of personal data minimization technology in public organizations
M.S. Bargh; H. Vlietinck; A. Amighi; A. Omar; S. Yang; N. Daniels; R. Choenni
Treatment Outcomes and Patients’ Experience with Integrated Neighborhood‑Based Care
Welmoed van Ens; Sarita Sanches; Leonieke Beverloo; Wilma Swildens (Lector)
Teaching Composition in the 21st Century
Marijn Simons (Student); Kathinka Poismans (Begeleider)
Transparantie makkelijk? Zeker weten!
Moes, Manon; Mulder, Trix (Juridische Aspecten Van Ondernemerschap)
Messy, entangled, and shapeshifting
Choi, Jaz Hee jeong (Lectoraat Civic Interaction Design); Botero, Andrea; Dolejšová, Markéta; Sleight, Lachlan
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Take it Personal!+ in People With Mild Intellectual Disability or Borderline Intellectual Functioning and Substance Use Disorder
Gosens, Lotte C.F.; Poelen, Evelien A.P.; Didden, Robert; de Jonge, Jannet M. (Lectoraat Geïntegreerde Complexe Zorg); Schellekens, Arnt F.A.; VanDerNagel, Joanneke E.L.; Onghena, Patrick; Otten, Roy