Coolblue: Which advice can the Workbuddies team use to deal with a system transition and managing mailbox templates?
Julia Göncü (Student); Vanessa Yazbek (Docent); Leona van Straten (Begeleider)
Elements of organisation of integrated maternity care and their associations with outcomes
VOICE study group
Scoping review of quality guidelines for Assistive Technology provision
Natasha Layton (Onderzoeker); Alice Spann (Onderzoeker); Mehedi Khan (Onderzoeker); Silvana Contepomi (Onderzoeker); Evert Jan Hoogerwerf (Onderzoeker); Luc de Witte (Lector)
Supporting the Creation of Value for Intercontinental Customers Through Communications
Mohammed Mostafa (Student)
The added value of family-centered rounds in the hospital setting
Woldring, Josien (Family Care); Luttik, Marie Louise (Family Care); Paans, Wolter (Nursing Diagnostics); Gans, Reinold O B
The TeleTriageTeam, Offering Continuity of Personalized Care Through Telemedicine: Development and Evaluation
Janneau Claessens (Onderzoeker); Sigrid Mueller-Schotte (Onderzoeker); Jeannette van Weerden (Onderzoeker); Helianthe Kort (Lector); Saskia Imhof (Onderzoeker); Robert Wisse (Onderzoeker)
Facilitators and barriers to enhancing physical activity in older patients during acute hospital stay
Dijkstra, F.; van der Sluis, G. (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Jager-Wittenaar, H. (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Hempenius, L.; Hobbelen, J. S. M. (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Finnema, E.
Validation of the care providers version of the Rainbow Model of Integrated Care-measurement tool in Chinese primary care systems
Huang, Yixiang; Zhu, Paiyi; Chen, Lijin; Wang, Xin; Valentijn, Pim (Value-Based Healthcare (Vbhc))
Organizational rules and cognitive uncertainty among public professionals
Bernard Bernards (Onderzoeker); Joris van der Voet (Onderzoeker); Suzan van der Pas (Lector); Sandra Groeneveld (Onderzoeker)
Employability and innovative work behaviours in SMEs in a Euroregion
Jol Stoffers (Lector); Karolien Hendrikx; Omar Habets (Lid Lectoraat); Beatrice van der Heijden