Validation of the care providers version of the Rainbow Model of Integrated Care-measurement tool in Chinese primary care systems
Huang, Yixiang; Zhu, Paiyi; Chen, Lijin; Wang, Xin; Valentijn, Pim (Value-Based Healthcare (Vbhc))
Organizational rules and cognitive uncertainty among public professionals
Bernard Bernards (Onderzoeker); Joris van der Voet (Onderzoeker); Suzan van der Pas (Lector); Sandra Groeneveld (Onderzoeker)
Between smoking guns and substantive arguments: how the STOP-TTIP coalition influenced Dutch politics
Jelmer Alers (Student); Paul Shotton
Five Ways to Make a Difference: Perceptions of Practitioners Working in Urban Neighborhoods
Catherine Durose; Annika Agger; Laurens de Graaf (Lector); Merlijn van Hulst; Oliver Escobar; Stephen Jeffares
Quality Indicators for Safe Medication Preparation and Administration: A Systematic Review
Smeulers, Marian; Verweij, Lotte; Maaskant, Jolanda M.; de Boer, Monica; Krediet, C. T. Paul; Nieveen van Dijkum, Els J. M.; Vermeulen, Hester
Public Access to Justice in European Union Member States
C.M. Nigten (Begeleider); Victoria Eelsing (Student)
Validity and reliability testing of organizational justice scale:
Gurbuz, Sait (Marian Van Os Centre Of Expertise Entrepreneurship); Mert, İbrrahim Sani