Zocht je misschien: resume?
Hereditary Cancer
Cezara Balatel (Student); Anne von Bergh (Lector)
The prospection of Saxion Career Services
Jellema, OD (Olivia) (Student)
Flexibility in an online learning environment : perceptions of part time students in higher education
Herma Jonker (Associate Lector); Anneke Smits (Lector); Mart Gijsen
Designing a modular welding support for translas fume extraction torches
Ruud Conjaerts (Student); Herre Faber (Begeleider)
Keyword: zich aanpassen
Holt, Joanna
Principles of motor learning to support neuroplasticity after ACL injury
Benjaminse, Anne; Neuhaus, Dorothee; Gokeler, Alli; Grooms, Dustin; Baumeister, Jochen
Design thinking als accelerator voor onderwijsvormvernieuwing
Jochem Goedhals (Student); Iris Windmuller (Begeleider)
Role of Environmental Factors on Resuming Valued Activities Poststroke: A Systematic Review of Qualitative and Quantitative Findings
S. Jellema; R van der Sande; Suzanne van Hees; J. Zajec; Esther Steultjens; Ria Nijhuis-van der Sanden
Thermal specification of high temperature superconducting cable in short-circuit conditions
B.A.C.J. (Bart) Sluijs (Student); L.H. Arntzen; J.L. van Yperen
How to prove to be Entrepreneurial? Certificates are not sufficient?!
Brahimi, N. (Nathalie) (Teacher); Hammer, M.H.V. (Matthijs) (Teacher); Vloon, N.G.J. (Nico) (Teacher)