Backpack setup documentation
Meijering, (René) (Onderzoeker); Sluiter, (Victor) (Onderzoeker)
Capitola B.V.: What techniques can be used to create an effective save-system that can store and (re)load information inside of an XR-Exprience, made in the Unity Game-Engine?
Rohán Phaff (Student); Rimmert Zelle (Docent); Alexander Baranov (Begeleider)
COOK3R SIM Reinforcement learning for product innovations
Maya Sappelli (Onderzoeker); Liesbet Rabbinge (Onderzoeker); Michel Hansma (Onderzoeker); Bas Hofmans (Onderzoeker); Guang Chen
Workshop Process mining 2024-04-09
Thomas Lautenbach (Onderzoeker); Emiel Maters (Onderzoeker)
Archieving the ambitions of circular cities
Fethiye Can (Student)
SERA: A study into the different elements of data collection in cars
Ben Pyman (Onderzoeker); Rakshith Kusumakar (Onderzoeker); Moksheeth Padarthy (Onderzoeker); Wouter van Haaften (Onderzoeker)
Groenboom, Rix; Top, Arend
Utilizing Drone-Based Ground-Penetrating Radar for Crime Investigations in Localizing and Identifying Clandestine Graves
Emaus, (Roeland) (Onderzoeker); Lijcklama à Nijeholt, (Louise) (Onderzoeker); Mersha, (Abeje) (Lector); Manen, (Benjamin) (Onderzoeker); Knotter, (Jaap) (Lector); Teeffelen, K.J. (Kees) van (Onderzoeker); Kronshorst, (Yara)
Utilizing Drone-Based Ground-Penetrating Radar for Crime Investigations in Localizing and Identifying Clandestine Graves
Lijcklama à Nijeholt, (Louise) (Onderzoeker); Knotter, (Jaap) (Lector); Kronshorst, (Yara); Mersha, (Abeje) (Lector)
An investigation of bird strike cases in the aviation sector with a novel approach within the context of the principal-agent phenomenon
Ekici, Filiz; Gümüş, Öner; Uslu, Ahmet; Kale, Utku (Lectoraat Aviation Engineering)