PLG's Basisvaardigheden Quadraam
Roel Grol
“The contribution of obese adipose tissue on Alzheimer’s disease pathology”
Eloy van den Berg (Student)
Generation of viral vectors for distal axon localised biosensors to measure PKA/cAMP pathway activity in GABAergic neurons
Fynn Gross (Student)
Examining the cyclical nature of crimes: A looped crime script of data theft from organizational networks
Madarie, Renushka (Lectoraat Forensisch Onderzoek); Weulen Kranenbarg, Marleen; de Poot, Christianne (Lectoraat Forensisch Onderzoek)
Walks&Talks Podcasts Anja Overdiek #11
Sanne Cobussen (Onderzoeker); Anja Overdiek (Lector)
Defining XR-specific teacher competencies: Extending the DigCompEdu framework for immersive education
Rutten, (Nico) (Onderzoeker); Brouwer - Truijen, (Karin) (Onderzoeker)
The identification of synthetic drug laboratories based on the detection of precursors
Beukers, (Michiel); Knotter, (Jaap) (Lector); Peters, (Ruud) (Onderzoeker); Zomer, M. (Marchel) (Extern); Bosker, H. (Henrieke) (Extern); Jonge, O. (Ouke) de (Extern)
Increasing the pandemic resilience of healthcare facilities through efficient ventilation, a review of 60 healthcare buildings in the Netherlands
Struck, (Christian) (Lector); Weersink, (Annemarie) (Onderzoeker); Koene, F. (Frans) (Extern)
Patiënt en naasten in regie: het ontwikkelen van digitale aanvulling IC-nazorg
Margot M.C. van Mol (Onderzoeker); Lilian Vloet (Lector); Elke Berger; Daphne Bolman
Deluge exhibition
Ex, Linde (Art & Sustainability)