Master Thesis
Samaneh Pakbonyan (Student)
The potential of big data technologies in improving the management of activity-based working
Bol, QD (Quintus) (Student)
Measuring sustainable employability
Gürbüz, Sait; Joosen, Margot C W; Kooij, Dorien T A M; Bakker, Arnold B; van der Klink, Jac J L; Brouwers, Evelien P M
Hans Brombacher; Steven Houben; Steven Vos
On Workers’ Fit with Activity-Based Work Environments
Hoendervanger, Jan Gerard; van Yperen, N.W.; Alberts, C.J.; Mobach, Mark P.
O-61 Barriers and Facilitators for Participation in Workplace Health Promotion Programs: Peer-to-Peer Interviews Among Employees
Denise Smit; Karin Proper; Josephine Engels; Sandra van Oostrom; Jennifer Campmans
Perceived fit and user behavior in activity-based work environments
Hoendervanger, Jan Gerard; van Yperen, Nico; Mobach, Mark P. (Facility Management); Albers, Casper
Perceived fit in activity-based work environments and its impact on satisfaction and performance
Hoendervanger, Jan Gerard; van Yperen, Nico; Mobach, Mark P. (Facility Management); Albers, Casper
Measurement properties and implications of the brief resilicience scale in healthy workers
Soer, R. (Remko) (Associatelector); Six Dijkstra, W.M.C. (Marianne) (Lectoratemember); Bieleman, H.J. (Andre) (Associatelector); Stewart, R.E. (Roy) (Phd); Reneman, M.F. (Michiel) (Professor); Oosterveld, F.G.J. (Frits) (Lector); Schreurs, K.M.G. (Karlein) (Professor)
Sports medical app support the health and fitness of workers
Sietske van Berkel; Jaap Stomphorst; Hilco Prins (Lid Lectoraat); Marike Hettinga (Lector); Wasim Alsaqaf (Lid Lectoraat)