Parents' information needs during the first year at home with their very premature born child; a qualitative study
Flierman, Monique (Faculteit Gezondheid); Bossen, Daniel (Lectoraat Oefentherapie); de Boer, Rosa; Vriend, Eline; van Nes, Fenna; van Kaam, Anton; Engelbert, Raoul (Centre Of Expertise Urban Vitality); Jeukens-Visser, Martine
Listening to People
Boekhoven, Jeroen (Jeugd, Educatie En Samenleving)
An idea to explore
Dionne van der Lugt (Student); Talia Smits (Student); Loubna El-Yamani (Student); Thom van den Eng (Student); Maroeska Burggraaf (Docent); Ivo Horn (Onderzoeker)
Workshop professionalisering tekst & beeld
Sekuur, Mark
Biopsychosocial complexity in patients scheduled for elective TKA surgery
van der Linde, M.L.; Baas, D.C.; van der Goot, T.H.; Vervest, A.M.J.S.; Latour, C. (Lectoraat Geïntegreerde Complexe Zorg)
Climate futures
Sánchez Querubín, Natalia; Niederer, Sabine (Lectoraat Visual Methodologies)
Listening across difference
Laura Cull O Maoilearca (Lector); Rajni Shah (Onderzoeker)
Essential program features identified by students working toward a doctorate in mathematics education
Scott A. Courtney (Onderzoeker); Anita N. Alexander (Onderzoeker)
Effects of instruction in writing-to-learn in different disciplines and types of education
A.C. van Dijk
Dissemination of a New Assessment Tool on Handwriting Readiness throughout Europe
van Hartingsveldt, Margo (Lectoraat Ergotherapie - Participatie En Omgeving); de Vries, Liesbeth (Lectoraat Ergotherapie - Participatie En Omgeving)