Development and evaluation of a fidelity tool in a post-discharge responsive parenting intervention program for very preterm born children
Flierman, Monique; Vriend, Eline; Leemhuis, Aleid G.; Engelbert, Raoul H.H. (Centre Of Expertise Urban Vitality); Jeukens-Visser, Martine
Web-Based Auto Rigging Solution for Remote Mocap Sessions
Leeuwen, DJ (Daniël) van (Student)
Enabling open-source trace tooling on NXP S32K344
Ian Baak (Student)
Translation, Cross-Cultural Adaptation, and Psychometric Properties of Writing Readiness Inventory Tool in Context (WRITIC)
Delgado, Paulo; Melo, Filipe; de Vries, Liesbeth (Faculteit Gezondheid); Hartingsveldt, Margo; Matias, Ana Rita
Final market system maps - assessments of barriers to WATERMINING technologies and how to clear these
van der gaast, Wytze (Legal Aspects Of The Energy Transition); Renze, Malte
Towards continuous mental state detection in everyday settings: investigating between-subjects variations in a longitudinal study
Berkemeier, Lea (Digital Health); Kamphuis, Wim; de Vries, Herman; Brouwer, Anne-Marie; van Baardewijk, Jan Ubbo; Schadd, Maarten; Oldenhuis, Hilbrand (Digital Health); Verdaasdonk, Ruud; van Gemert-Pijnen, Lisette
The prospection of Saxion Career Services
Jellema, OD (Olivia) (Student)
More older adults died at their preferred place after implementation of a transmural care pathway for older adults at the end of life
van Doorne, Iris; de Meij, Marike A.; Parlevliet, Juliette L.; van Schie, Vera M. W.; Willems, Dick L.; Buurman, Bianca M.; van Rijn, Marjon (Lectoraat Geïntegreerde Complexe Zorg)
The impact of high versus standard enteral protein provision on functional recovery following intensive care admission (PRECISE trial)
van Gassel, Rob J. J.; Bels, Julia L. M.; Tartaglia, Katrien; van Bussel, Bas C. T.; van Kuijk, Sander M. J.; Deane, Adam M.; Puthucheary, Zudin; Weijs, Peter J. M. (Lectoraat Voeding En Beweging); Vloet, Lilian; Beishuizen, Bert; De Bie Dekker, Ashley; Fraipont, Vincent; Lamote, Stoffel; Ledoux, Didier; Scheeren, Clarissa; De Waele, Elisabeth; van Zanten, Arthur R. H.; Mesotten, Dieter; van de Poll, Marcel C. G.
Effect of lung ultrasound-guided fluid deresuscitation on duration of ventilation in intensive care unit patients (CONFIDENCE)
Blok, Siebe G.; Mousa, Amne; Brouwer, Michelle G.; de Grooth, Harm-Jan; Neto, Ary Serpa; Blans, Michiel J.; den Boer, Sylvia; Dormans, Tom; Endeman, Henrik; Roeleveld, Timo; Scholten, Harm; van Slobbe-Bijlsma, Eline R.; Scholten, Erik; Touw, Hugo; van der Ven, Fleur Stefanie L. I. M.; Wils, Evert-Jan; van Westerloo, David J.; Heunks, Leo M. A.; Schultz, Marcus J.; Paulus, Frederique (Lectoraat Critical Care); Tuinman, Pieter R.