Zocht je misschien: cooperative, cooperatief?
Balancing collective action and connective action in new food cooperatives
Korien van Vuuren - Verkerk (Lid Lectoraat); Noelle Aarts; Jan van der Stoep (Lector)
The role of state forests in sustaining honey production for beekeepers’ cooperatives
Mushimiyimana, D. (Student); Meer, P.J. van der
Sustainable carbon farming and carbon credits business models for smallholder dairy cooperatives in emerging economies
Rugwegwe, O.N. (Student); Baars, R.M.T.
Carbon farming opportunities for crop cooperatives in Uganda
Migadde, A. (Student); Vries, J.W. de
Shea cooperative management role in sustaining established market linkages
Dauda, K.H. (Student); Hoekstra, J.
Potential financial constructions for dairy farmers adopting climate smart agriculture in the case of Githunguri and Olenguruone dairy farmers cooperative societies in Kenya
Sanden, W. van der (Student); Verschuur, C.M.
CEOs versus Members’ Evaluation of Cooperative Performance
Xiao Peng (Lid Lectoraat); Qiao Liang; Wendong Deng; George Hendrikse
Scalability of climate-smart practice in forage supply chains
Serem, R.K. (Student); Eweg, H.P.A.
Farmers in Sri Lanka and their agricultural diversification process
Riepma, M. (Student); Westrik, J.D.
Enhancing the relationship between soybean cooperatives and agro-processors in Rwanda
Ndoruhirwe, J.W. (Student); Evers, H.J.P.