Measuring the intangible. How to evaluate the Spatial Sound Platform from an audience perspective.
Alice Dimastrogiovanni (Student)
Design-Based-Research on Waterstones Amsterdam: enhancing in-shop bookstore experience
Edwina Lombardo (Student)
Constructing the live experience at pop music concerts: a phenomenological, multi-method study of concertgoers
M. Mulder; E. Hitters
Gamification and UI/UX design of an energy consumption dashboard
Munk, A (Anna) (Student)
Feeling the News?
Hannah Greber (Onderzoeker); Sophie Lecheler (Onderzoeker); Loes Aaldering (Onderzoeker); Yael de Haan (Lector); Sanne Kruikemeier (Onderzoeker); Nele Goutier (Onderzoeker); Kiki de Bruin (Onderzoeker)
Uncovering the audience perspective
Hannah Greber (Onderzoeker); Sophie Lecheler (Onderzoeker); Loes Aaldering (Onderzoeker); Yael de Haan (Onderzoeker); Sanne Kruikemeier (Onderzoeker); Nele Goutier (Onderzoeker); Kiki de Bruin (Onderzoeker)
Online supplements to Geography teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge: a systematic review
Eefje Smit (Onderzoeker); Hanneke Tuithof (Onderzoeker); Elwin Savelsbergh (Lector); Tine Béneker
Geography teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge
Eefje Smit (Onderzoeker); Hanneke Tuithof (Onderzoeker); Elwin Savelsbergh (Lector); Tine Béneker
Financing the circular economy in the tourism sector
Jin Hooi Chan; Angelo Sciacca; Anne-Marie Coles; Helen Roskam; Eline Brutyn; Athina Piterou; Ageeth van Maldegem; Eliane Métreau; Jacqueline Zavala; Dries Debruyne; Marijke Brinkman
Surwehme, S (Sebastian) (Student)