Diversity in robustness of Lactococcus lactis strains during heat stress, oxidative stress, and spray drying stress
Dijkstra, Annereinou R; Setyawati, Meily C; Bayjanov, Jumamurat R; Alkema, Wynand (Data Science For Life Science & Health); van Hijum, Sacha A F T; Bron, Peter A; Hugenholtz, Jeroen
Genotypic adaptations associated with prolonged persistence of Lactobacillus plantarum in the murine digestive tract
van Bokhorst-van de Veen, Hermien; Smelt, Maaike J.; Wels, Michiel; van Hijum, Sacha A.F.T.; de Vos, Paul; Kleerebezem, Michiel; Bron, Peter A.
PCR-DGGE method to assess the diversity of BTEX mono-oxygenase genes at contaminated sites
Hendrickx, Barbara; Dejonghe, Winnie; Faber, Folkert (Life Sciences & Renewable Energy); Boënne, Wesley; Bastiaens, Leen; Verstraete, Willy; Top, Eva M; Springael, Dirk