Balancing continuity of care and home care schedule costs using blueprint routes
Yoram Clapper (Onderzoeker); René Bekker (Onderzoeker); J. Joost Berkhout (Onderzoeker); Dennis Moeke (Lector)
A blueprint for what? From a critical policy discursive analysis of UN’s sustainable development goals to a constructive rearticulation for their application
Nicolina Montesano Montessori (Onderzoeker); Alexander Lautensach (Onderzoeker)
Dynamic Weather System inside Unreal Engine 4.
Ani, T (Tudor) (Student)
21st century (clinical) decision support in nursing and allied healthcare. Developing a learning health system: a reasoned design of a theoretical framework
M. van Velzen; H.I. de Graaf-Waar; T. Ubert; R.F. van der Willigen; L. Muilwijk; M.A. Schmitt; M.C. Scheper; N.L.U. van Meeteren
Teaching in Musealized Religious Spaces.
Paul Ariese (Docent)
Research Challenges In City Logistics For Circular Supply Chains Of E-Waste
Lemiski, David; Ploos van Amstel, Walther (City Net Zero)
Leeuwen, (Richard) (Lector); Gelten, (Hans) (Onderzoeker); Aalderink, (Benno) (Associate Lector); Disberg - van Geloven, (Mirte) (Onderzoeker); Corporaal, (Stephan) (Lector); Hajimolana, (Yashar) (Extern)
Blueprints: Systematizing Behavior Change Designs
Roelof de Vries (Onderzoeker); Mailin Lemke; Geke D. S. Ludden
Lessons from the forest to improve urban water management and biodiversity
Nehizena , O. (Student); Merién, D.
Evaluation Integrated nurse-led care model TICC: Presentation CARE4 Conference
Sybren Slimmen (Onderzoeker); Lois van der Molen (Onderzoeker); Olaf Timmermans; Nicolette de Klerk-Jolink; Iris ten Barge; Anton Engels