Stem decomposition of temperate tree species is determined by stem traits and fungal community composition during early stem decay
Yang, S.; Poorter, L.; Sterck, F.J. ; Cornelissen, J.H.C.; Logtestijn, R.S.P. van; Kuramae, E.E. ; Kowalchuk, G.A. ; Goudzwaard, L.; Chang, C.; Sass-Klaassen, U.G.W.
Dieter Eckstein's bibliography and legacy of connection to wood biology and tree-ring science
Čufar, K.; Liang, E.; Smith, K.T.; Ważny, T.; Wrobel, S.; Cherubini, P.; Schmitt, U.; Läänelaid, A.; Burgert, I.; Koch, G.; Pumijumnong, N.; Sander, C.; Seo, J.W.; Sohar, K.; Yonenobu, H.; Sass-Klaassen, U.G.W.
Incorporating high-resolution climate, remote sensing and topographic data to map annual forest growth in central and eastern Europe
Jevšenak, J.; Klisz, M.; Mašek, J.; Čada, V.; Janda, P.; Svoboda, M.; Vostarek, O.; Treml, V.; Maaten, E. van der; Popa, A.; Popa, I.; Maaten-Theunissen, M. van der; Zlatanov, T. ; Scharnweber, T.; Ahlgrimm, S.; Stolz, J.; Sochová, I.; Roibu, C.; Pretzsch, H.; Sass-Klaassen, U.G.W.; Schmied, G.; Uhl, E.; Kaczka, R.
De kruidlaag in voedselbossen
van Schie, R. (Student); Wintermans, J.A.
Plant traits in relation to arbuscular mycorrhizal mixotrophy
Sterk, J. (Student); Pruijn, N.
Extracting forest parameters from unmanned air vehicle photographs of the forest canopy in Sarawak
Barz, M. (Student); Meer, P.J. van der
The influence of debarking by European Bison (Bison bonasus) on the Carpathian forest
Gaeta, L. (Student); Bos, M.
Ecosystem services for sustainable development in La Prosperité, Suriname
Leal, K. (Student); Meer, P.J. van der; Vletter, J. de
De Bijvanck in ontwikkeling : omvormingsplan voor de gebieden met uitheems bos op landgoed de Bijvanck
Jansen, M. (Student); Wiggers, L. (Student); Olsthoorn, A.
Using vegetation indices from satellite images to estimate evapotranspiration and vegetation water use in North-Central Portugal
Slik, B. van der (Student); Carvalho Nunes, J.P.