Conceptualisation and (Meta)modelling of Problem-Solution Chains in Early Business-IT Alignment and System Design
Stijn Hoppenbrouwers (Lector); Mark Mulder; Joris Sunnotel
Determining the Required Capacity of Business Information Management
Frank van Outvorst; Mart Meijnen (Student); Pascal Timens (Student); Sjoerd Walenbergh (Student); Benny de Waal (Lid Lectoraat)
Hoe kan het Enterprise Content Management ECM) van de griffie van de Provincie Noord-Brabant verbeterd worden?
Peter Becker (Begeleider); N. (Niek) van Antwerpen (Begeleider); M.A. Hillinga (Student)
IT capabilities within the Dutch SME first line health care sector
Pascal Ravesteijn (Lector); Arjen Maris (Docent); Johan Versendaal (Lector); Kobus Smit (Docent)
Does model based testing contribute to business IT alignment
Colin Lek (Onderzoeker)
2012-03-01Maturity of Operational Procurement in the Construction Industry: A Business/IT-Alignment Perspective
Xiaochun Xing; Marjan vanden Akker; Johna Versendaal (Lector); Bastiaan De Bevere
Maturing Business/IT Alignment Capability; the Practitioner's view.
Gilbert Silvius (Lector); Kobus Smit (Lid Lectoraat)
Business & IT Alignment in a Multinational Company; Issues and approaches
Drs. A.J.G. Silvius (Lector)
The Impact of National Cultures on Business & IT Alignment
Drs. A.J.G. Silvius (Lector)