Upscaling village saving and loan associations towards enhancing gender empowerment
Loga, J.Z. (Student); Verschuur, C.M.
Coffee farming for improved income and food accessibility for small scale-coffee farmers
Irakoze, D. (Student); Nederlof, E.S.
The perception of local residents on agro-tourism development as a livelihood diversification for coffee farmers
Matasik, D. (Student); Kingma, J.T.
Improving productivity and production of sunflower oilseeds among smallholder sunflower farmers
Liampawe, G.S. (Student); Snoo, A.C. de
Feasibility of cash crops for small holder farmers : a case of Afar Province Sesame Farmers, Ethiopia
Lefteri, E.M. (Student); Wulfften Palthe, A. van; Hesselink, E.