Conceptualisation and (Meta)modelling of Problem-Solution Chains in Early Business-IT Alignment and System Design
Stijn Hoppenbrouwers (Lector); Mark Mulder; Joris Sunnotel
Identifying and managing paradoxes in Collaborative Sustainable Business Models: empirical evidence from circularity initiatives in high-tech manufacturing
F.T.H.M. Berkers; N. el Maanni; L. Liebrecht; E. Kersten
Hoe lokale foodbedrijven kunnen leveren aan de zorg
Alsem, Karel Jan (Marketing En Ondernemen); Niewold, Bert; Hogerhuis, Rick; Peeks, Ronald; Feenstra, Bauke (Duurzaam Financieren En Ondernemen); Berens, Bas; Hendrikse, Danielle; Onrust, E; Jager-Wittenaar, Harriët (Malnutrition And Healthy Ageing); Dewansingh, Priya (Malnutrition And Healthy Ageing)
Supply chain resilience capabilities in European food supply chains: the impact of COVID-19 in the Netherlands
Akkerman, Renzo; Haijema, Rene; Kunz, Marvin; de Leeuw, Sander; Nguyen, Viet (Amsib (Cedis)); Schellekens, Harmke; van der Stelt, Gideon; de Leeuw, Sander; Akkerman, Renzo; Romero Silva, Rodrigo
An integrated business model perspective for optimalization of food hub practices in the local food supply chain
Feenstra, Bauke (Sustainable Financing And Entrepreneurship); Berens, Bas
Cultivating sustainability : A comparative analysis of community gardens in Amsterdam and Mexico City and their impact on local food supply chains
Occelli Peralta, Arlene (Student); Tappi, Deborah
Do it or Buy it?
Nguyen, Viet PhD (Amsib (Cedis))
Baars, R.M.T.; Biewenga, G.