Corner shops for lively and resilient communities
Epping, Anna Viola; Lussenburg, Otto; Nijkamp, Jeannette E.
Nurse-Led Physical Screening of Patients With Substance Use Disorders
J. F. M. Middeldorp (Lid Lectoraat); Esther Krijnen-de Bruin (Lid Lectoraat); V. J. A. Buwalda; A. E. Goudriaan; Berno van Meijel (Lector)
Nurses' Perspectives on Fostering Therapeutic Relationships While Working With Clients Who Display Conflict Behaviour
Nick Overpelt; Nienke Kool-Goudzwaard (Lid Lectoraat); Barbara Stringer; Berno van Meijel (Lector)
The creative arts therapists on the continuum of practice within Arts in Health in the Netherlands
Marc Willemsen; Annemarie Abbing; Suzanne Haeyen (Lector); Martina de Witte; Susan van Hooren (Lector)
Pixel perfect performance
Mischa Gideonse (Student); Michiel Veen (Docent); Steven Hermans (Begeleider)
How can SEO processes be internalized to enhance efficiency and client satisfaction?
Katica Frei (Student); Marijke Greijdanus-Vennik (Docent); Csenge Várszegi (Begeleider)
Increasing the customers satisfaction of Raabe Slovakia LTD and its estimated effects on the company's success
Terézia Bellayová (Student); Vanessa Yazbek (Docent); Mira Schrimpelova (Begeleider)
The Substantiation report
Florien Fiere (Student)
Humanising the ‘dungeons’ of the bank
Zonneveld, Jan (Lectoraat Corporate Governance & Leadership)