Developing an interprofessional identity complementary to a professional identity - findings related to Extended Professional Identity Theory (EPIT)
Reinders, Jan-Jaap (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Kolcu, Giray; Baser Kolcu, Inci
Statement to an Insufficient Systematic Review on Viscum album L. Therapy
Harald Matthes (Onderzoeker); Anja Thronicke (Onderzoeker); Ralf-Dieter Hofheinz (Onderzoeker); Erik Baars (Lector)
Reducing the need for antibiotics
Eefje Belt-van Zoen (Onderzoeker); Erik Baars (Lector); Klaus von Ammon (Onderzoeker); Thomas Breitkreuz (Onderzoeker)
The contribution of complementary and alternative medicine to reduce antibiotic use
Erik Baars (Lector); Eefje Belt-van Zoen (Onderzoeker); Thomas Breitkreuz (Onderzoeker)
The effect of reflexology on the psychological stress of patients going through chronic and palliative care: A systematic literature review
Laureline Marras (Student); Justine Aka (Begeleider)
A 21-year course of Merkel cell carcinoma with adjuvant Viscum album extract treatment
Paul G. Werthmann (Onderzoeker); Lothar Kindermann (Onderzoeker); Gunver S. Kienle (Onderzoeker)
An instrument for dimensional diagnosis of a child’s constitution (ICC)
Martin Niemeijer (Onderzoeker); Joop Hoekman (Onderzoeker); A.J.J.M. Ruijssenaars (Onderzoeker); Erik Baars (Lector)
An assessment of the scientific status of anthroposophic medicine, applying criteria from the philosophy of science
Erik Baars (Lector); Helmut Kiene (Onderzoeker); Gunver S. Kienle (Onderzoeker)
Do NHS GP surgeries employing GPs additionally trained in integrative or complementary medicine have lower antibiotic prescribing rates? Retrospective cross-sectional analysis of national primary care prescribing data in England in 2016
Esther T. van der Werf (Onderzoeker); Lorna J. Duncan (Onderzoeker); Paschen von Flotow (Onderzoeker); Erik Baars (Lector)
Clinical safety of combined therapy of immune checkpoint inhibitors and Viscum album L. therapy in patients with advanced or metastatic cancer
Anja Thronicke (Onderzoeker); Megan L. Steele (Onderzoeker); Christian Grah (Onderzoeker); Burkhard Matthes (Onderzoeker); Friedemann Schad (Onderzoeker)