Co-creating Arctic Futures
Dabiran-Zohoory, Pouya; Henk, Anastasiya; Koops, Sterre (Climate Adaptation); Moore, Shannon E.; Nanni, Ugo; Palmer, Leah; Roher, Sophie; Savage, Conor; Smirnova, Polina; Stepetin, Haliehana
Work-life balance and remote working in the pandemic and beyond
Rauf, Abdul; Parham, Shohreh (Amsib (Cedis)); Sheehan, Conor
Expanding the environmental scope
van de Weijer, Margot P.; Baselmans, Bart M. L. (Faculteit Techniek (Ft)); Hottenga, Jouke-Jan; Dolan, Conor V.; Willemsen, Gonneke; Bartels, Meike
McGregor-Mayweather: het gevecht dat alle mediarecords zal verbreken
René Foolen (Docent)