Zocht je misschien: conceptual?
Rage against the artificial intelligence?
Tessa Oomen (Onderzoeker); João Gonçalves (Onderzoeker); Anouk Mols (Onderzoeker)
From deepfake to deep useful: risks and opportunities through a systematic literature review
Nikos Misirlis; Harris Bin Munawar
Complexity in Military Intelligence
Bram Spoor; Peter de Werd
LEGO® Serious Play as a methodology for exploring perfectionistic self-presentation and trait perfectionism in offline and online settings
Y. Bergs (Onderzoeker); P. Peters (Onderzoeker); X.D. Lub (Lector); R.J. Blomme (Onderzoeker)
Towards an integrated case method in management education: developing an ecosystem-based research and learning journey for flipped classrooms
J.P. Büchler; G. Brüggelambert; H. de Haan-Cao; R. Sherlock; A. Savanevičienė