Contribution of contract farming to improve smallholder seed multipliers access to the market
Nduwimana, J.P. (Student); Eweg, H.P.A.
Establishing a common understanding : an analysis of firm-farmer partnerships and contracting on oil seed production in Uganda : a case of Netherlands Development Organisation (SNV) and Agency for Accelerated Regional Development (AFARD)
Chaumbe, C.T. (Student); Hesselink, E.
Improving firm–farm relationship in wheat production in Rwanda: Case of wheat farmers cooperatives of Nyaruguru District and UNICOOPAGI
Muhayimana, N. (Student); Hesselink, E.
Analysis of out-growers business model for canning French beans : the case of Meru Greens Horticulture, Kenya
Mugambi Makona, A. (Student); Gildemacher, B.H.