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The innovator’s dilemma: the performance consequences of sequential or flexible exploration and exploitation patterns in turbulent environments
Anna Sabidussi; Boris Lokshin; Geert Duysters
What Drives Exploration? Convergence and Divergence of Exploration Tendencies among Alliance Partners and Competitors
Geert Duysters; Dovev Lavie; Anna Sabidussi; Uriel Stettner
Complementarity in alliance portfolios and firm innovation
Anna Sabidussi; Boris Lokshin; Geert Duysters
An Insight into Firm Perspective on the Use of Electronic Word-of-Mouth
D.C. Nevels (Docent); G. Duysters
It's a Small World: Efficiency in a SME network across Design and Technology
Prof. Dr. Geert Duysters; Drs. Yvonne Kirkels