Consumer Knowledge and Acceptance of Edible Algae in the Netherlands and Germany
Kremerskothen, B. (Student); Rodenburg, A.
Overcoming the western aversion to eating insects
Koek, D. (Student); Schipper, E.C.
Prospects of food cultivation in helophyte filters
Ammerlaan, V. (Student); Roze, E.H.A.
Effects of crossbreeding dairy cows with Angus sires on Swedish forage-based beef production systems with bulls
Cazes, R. (Student); Beekhuizen, J. van
Improving productivity and production of sunflower oilseeds among smallholder sunflower farmers
Liampawe, G.S. (Student); Snoo, A.C. de
Rearing of Bombyx mori with a vitamin D enriched diet
Wit, L. de (Student); Gieling, E.T.
The adoption of mushroom farming among smallholder farmers: a case of women mushroom farmers in Makuyu, Kenya
Kimole, S. (Student); Hesselink, E.
Edible pot plant market feasibility research for FloriPro Services, Syngenta Seeds
Wan, W.J. (Student); Houwers, G.