Entrepreneurship Education the Ems-Dollart-Region
Bakker, Diederich (International Business); Wolf, Annika
Vacaturefestival V&M
Hidding, Charlotte
Introductie IWP aan nieuwe lichting studenten semester 1 2022/2023
Hidding, Charlotte
Presentatie over de Innovatiewerkplaats Eems Dollard Regio in Transitie bij ZO Groningen
Hidding, Charlotte
Innovatiewerkplaats Eems Dollard Regio in transitie
Hidding, Charlotte
Perspectives for blue collar jobs
Veth, Klaske; Dorozalla, Florian
Desalination of dredged sediments for circular reuse: two Eems-Dollard cases
F. Haarman; E. Besseling; L. Sittoni; Jeroen Rijke
Developing sensor technology innovations with business potential together with students: let's return to the master-apprentice approach
Bruining, Joke; Balje, Jan
De fusie
Rosa Jonkman